Sales Training

The 7 biggest mistakes sales professionals make:Steve Kawasaki Bali conference
  1. No real clarity on their own sales process
  2. Selling to the wrong person
  3. Poor use of selling time
  4. Poor questioning and listening skills
  5. Inability to plan properly
  6. Not enough prospects
  7. Fear of closing

Sales teams need to be inspired by sales trainers. Choosing a sales coach to work with your team is not an easy decision. The right sales coach will make a huge difference. Choosing the wrong sales coach could be a disaster. Most sales people would improve their results significantly if they were working with the right sales coach.

For the past 20 years, Steve Herzberg has worked closely with a broad range of people who need to understand how to sell and influence others. These include; sales leaders, sales managers, account managers, business development managers, sales representatives and customer service professionals.



For more on Steve’s background click here.

Effective Sales Follow Up Video




Video - Rapport building activity 


The 3 key ingredients in successful sales training:

For any sales training to be successful there are 3 requirements. If all 3 are met the sales training can succeed. If any one of the three is missing the probability of long term results is low.

  1. Buy in from the leaders of the sales team - Why are we doing this? Who should we develop? What results do we need? When do we need them by?
  2. Selection of the right sales trainer / sales coach for the assignment
  3. Appropriate and regular follow up with sales management and sales reps

If you build the right sales process, develop the skills of your sales team and then stick with the habits you have developed you will continue to be successful. If you look for short cuts or quick fixes you will find yourself in a lot of trouble.

The NRG Sales Training program includes content on:GMA Photo 5 2022
  • How to remember people’s names and details about them
  • Incorporating today's technologies, including Video Conferencing as part of your sales process
  • Limiting your time on low value sales activities
  • An introduction to social media selling
  • Building a strong and powerful network
  • How selling in 2025 is changing and the impact it has on your sales process
  • Lifting your daily NRG (energy) levels 
  • Understanding your own sales process
  • Becoming more memorable – Why will people remember you?
  • Building relationships across all levels of an account
  • The role of persistence for sales professionals
  • Improving your resilience levels - mental, physical and emotional
  • Making better use of your selling time at trade shows and exhibitions
  • Generating a referral based business
  • Listening actively and effectively
  • Selling using emotion as opposed to logic
  • How to apply tools of influence to increase your success
  • Planning your sales week in the most effective fashion
  • Building rapport with different generations, genders and cultures
  • Surfacing and handling objections 
  • Dealing with rejection and prospects ignoring your communication
  • The difference between follow up and stalking
  • Increasing the size of each sale through effective questioning and probing skills
  • How to assess if the prospect is a time waster or genuinely interested
  • Identifying if the sales process is moving forward or standing still
  • Closing the sale at the right time
  • Data management

To read Steve’s blog click here

Free PDF sales training handouts and resources:



