Our relationship is over

We have shared so many special times together. Nothing can last forever.

Unfortunately our unique relationship is over. We've flown together to so many places. Untitled design 16We've had our special moments in the back of taxis and more recently on our Uber rides. Hotel rooms across Australia know our inner most secrets.

You’ve put up with a lot from me. There's been times when I regret how I've treated you.

At times I've been selfish and put my own needs ahead of yours. I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have. Without you I could never have got the job done. We've been a really tight knit team.

If I was the lemon and lime, you’ve been my bitters. Whilst I've been the singer, you’ve always been my drummer. Holding the beat, keeping the rhythm. Never seeking the spotlight. Just turning up and getting the job done. No fuss. 

You’ve stayed quiet in tightly concealed areas. I've never heard a single complaint from you.

Yes, I will miss you.

You need a lot of support when you spend a lot of time on the road. My carry-on bag, also known as Skyway, has been with me for many years. We've had a very special relationship. I'll certainly miss you. I know that everyone says that, when it’s time to part ways. I really will miss you.

I'll think of all the times I gently placed my hand on your solid handle as I carefully removed you from the over head locker. You stayed up there all by yourself with no in-flight entertainment, cool drinks or processed food snacks. Never though did you utter a word of complaint. Always so loyal. Never a word of complaint.

For me, when I return home at the end of a business trip, I am greeted by my loving family with those beautiful 6 words ever parent wishes to hear;

"Dad, did you get me anything?"

For you it's always been straight back in to the dark and lonely cupboard downstairs. Out of sight, out of mind. You stayed in that cupboard without making a sound. Quiet. Resting. Safe in the knowledge that before too long we'd be back on the road again.

You’ve had your injuries, bumps and bruises. You just kept going. Showing courage. Like an Aussie Test cricketer from the past, you kept bouncing back. You were never going to let a few knocks or scars stop you from backing up for your next trip.

This year I've noticed you have started to slow down. Your wheels no longer spin like they did in your glory days. Your retractable handle has lost its smooth easy gliding motion. Your zips are getting clunky.

Next year will be different without my travelling companion, Skyway. I'll be soldiering on, but without you. I'll keep a picture of you close by. I'll show you off to some of the groups I work with. Why wouldn’t I? I'm so proud of you. You may be gone, but I assure you my carry on friend, Skyway, you wont be forgotten.

Posted in Leadership; Tagged Leadership; Comments 2 ; Posted by Steve Herzberg

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  • Jonathan 10/12/2016 1:55pm (8 years ago)

    Nice. I too, have a skyway that is showing signs of wear, a companion that has been so extremely reliable and capable but alas is now showing signs of wear, not moving as well and the once robust outer layer now thinning. I call him my body....

  • Wayne Collis 01/12/2016 12:21pm (8 years ago)

    Come back to Perth Steve we need help with our Sheffield Shield team !

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