Tag: Finding great sales people
NRG turns 20 in 2025
Published by Steve Herzberg
How did NRG start? In March 2005, I decided it was time to start a small training and consulting business. I'd been thinking about it for a while.
Why some teams gel and some teams smell
Published by Steve Herzberg
I've been in and around teams most of my life. The first team I ever played for was the Hollywood under 12 cricket team in Perth in 1977.
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Building a winning team around you
Published by Steve Herzberg
Welcome to 2020. I hope that this year brings you happiness, career success and plenty of time doing the things you love with the people that matter to you.
Point of difference
Published by Steve Herzberg
When your business provides a service, there is one thing that will make the biggest difference to the clients experience, and it's very hard for anyone to imitate or copy it.
Why good people leave - 3 tips for keeping good staff
Published by Steve Herzberg
In the past 20 years I’ve seen a lot of very good people leave their jobs. Excellent people, with a good work ethic.
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I recognise your face but I can't remember your name
Published by Steve Herzberg
A few weeks ago we went out for dinner for my father in laws 88th birthday. There were 9 of us. The waitress took 9 orders.
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My commission was 2 and half cents a sales
Published by Steve Herzberg
When I was 9 years old I started selling.My first sales role was selling the afternoon newspaper in Perth at the Royal Show.
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What are your sales reps waiting for?
Published by Steve Herzberg
When I was in my early 20's I sold (not very well) radio advertising for 96FM, a radio station in Perth.
Traits of the bubbly sales rep
Published by Steve Herzberg
I was out on the road doing some field coaching earlier this week with a great sales rep. She was a classic.
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